Fun at Fenway Golf
This program takes place at Fenway Golf in East Longmeadow. A great way to spend some summer time, register for one or both of the sessions! One week supervised sessions include fun time at the mini-golf, driving range and pitch and putt. Bring a few dollars for a daily visit to the concession. This program is supervised by our own WPRD summer staff.
Registration for Session 1: April 1 - June 16 ($10 late fee after 6/16)
Registration for Session 2: April 1 - June 23 ($10 late fee after 6/23)
Session 1 Details:
DATES: June 23rd - June 27th
TIME: 9:00 - 12:00 PM
LOCATION: Fenway Golf, East Longmeadow
AGES: 7-14
COST: $130 Resident / $140 Non-Resident
Session 2 Details:
DATES: June 30th - July 3rd (4 day program)
TIME: 9:00 - 12:00 PM
LOCATION: Fenway Golf, East Longmeadow
AGES: 7-14
COST: $104 Resident / $114 Non-Resident