What better way for kids to work off winter energy than with this popular spring program. This program will get you "off on the right foot" in this great team sport! Learn the correct skills with track & field and cross country fundamentals and beyond. Kids take part in multiple Olympic style events including sprinting, cross-country running, hurdling, long jump, high jump, shot-put and more!
Registration: February 11 - February 24
Cost: Wilbraham Residents $75, Non-Residents $100
($10 late fee starts February 25, $20 late fee starts March 11)
Anticipated Program Dates: April 9 - June 14 (no program 5/26)
Location: Minnechaug Regional High School outdoor track
Anticipated Schedule: Wednesdays, 6pm-7:15pm / Saturdays, 8:45am-10:00am (schedule may change depending on coach availability)