Come improve your tennis skills outdoors this spring!
Whether you are a beginner with little or no experience or an advanced player who wants to fine-tune skills, join Coach Toby Coffin for this exciting program. Athletes will learn and improve footwork, grips, strokes, volleys and serves to help develop the total player.
DATES: Saturdays April 19, 26, May 3, 17, 31, June 7 (no program 5/10 & 5/24. Make up 6/14)
TIMES and COST: Grades K-1 10:00 - 10:45 AM $100 / $110
Grades 2-4 11:00 - 11:45 AM $100 / $110
Grades 2-4 12:00 - 12:45 PM $100 / $110
Grades 5-8 1:00 - 2:30 PM $125 / $135
LOCATION: Minnechaug Regional High School Tennis Courts
REGISTRATION: March 18th - April 7th
Grades 5-8 will incorporate some match play.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own racket.